samuel hoyt 1937 - 1938 Twenty-first president of the AAU. He was able to obtain harmony in the AAU after several of unrest and lead the AAU when they opened the Gold Jubilee Convention. Hoyt was a state attorney for 11 years, and a judge of the city court in New Haven, Connecticut. (Ref: The New York Times archives and Amateur Athlete for December 1937 and 1939)
samuel hoyt 1937 - 1938 Twenty-first president of the AAU. He was able to obtain harmony in the AAU after several of unrest and lead the AAU when they opened the Gold Jubilee Convention. Hoyt was a state attorney for 11 years, and a judge of the city court in New Haven, Connecticut. (Ref: The New York Times archives and Amateur Athlete for December 1937 and 1939)