jeremiah t. mahoney 1934 1936 Twentieth president of the AAU. Proposed a boycott to the Olympic Games in Germany but withdrew the amendment to boycott though he continued to oppose his nations participation in the Berlin Games because of “Nazi Germany’s unspeakable anti-semitism.” 
 A resolution was passed stating that the certification of the U.S. athletes overseas will not be construed to imply endorsement of the Nazi Government. Mahoney was also a director of the Public Schools Athletic Club for 18 years. He was one of the busiest professional and business men in New York at this time. While going to law school at night, he gained three degrees from city universities. (Ref: New York Times archives)
jeremiah t. mahoney 1934 1936 Twentieth president of the AAU. Proposed a boycott to the Olympic Games in Germany but withdrew the amendment to boycott though he continued to oppose his nations participation in the Berlin Games because of “Nazi Germany’s unspeakable anti-semitism.” 
 A resolution was passed stating that the certification of the U.S. athletes overseas will not be construed to imply endorsement of the Nazi Government. Mahoney was also a director of the Public Schools Athletic Club for 18 years. He was one of the busiest professional and business men in New York at this time. While going to law school at night, he gained three degrees from city universities. (Ref: New York Times archives)