charles Dean 1917 Fourteenth president of the AAU. Dean went seriously into the work of supplying the athletic wants of the soldiers of the United States expending $18,000 at the camps in Ohio supplying athletic paraphernalia. With 35,000 Ohio Soldiers at Camp Sherman in Chillicothe, OH comprised of 10,000 Ohio boys, Dean felt it was his duty to co-operate with the Commission on Training Camp activities and athletic directors of these two camps in carrying on in the most efficient and practical manner the work of getting these soldiers in the best possible physical condition. He induced the organization to take over and run the annual First Regiment handicap games. (Ref: New York Times archives Dec. 14, 1917)
charles Dean 1917 Fourteenth president of the AAU. Dean went seriously into the work of supplying the athletic wants of the soldiers of the United States expending $18,000 at the camps in Ohio supplying athletic paraphernalia. With 35,000 Ohio Soldiers at Camp Sherman in Chillicothe, OH comprised of 10,000 Ohio boys, Dean felt it was his duty to co-operate with the Commission on Training Camp activities and athletic directors of these two camps in carrying on in the most efficient and practical manner the work of getting these soldiers in the best possible physical condition. He induced the organization to take over and run the annual First Regiment handicap games. (Ref: New York Times archives Dec. 14, 1917)